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Can A Patient With Scoliosis Have Vertiflex Superion?

Scoliosis often occurs during a child’s growth spurt just before puberty. Most cases are mild, with hardly any symptoms, but some people will develop spine deformities that can get severe as they grow. Vertiflex is a new treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis, but if you also have scoliosis you might be wondering whether it’s a good treatment option for you. 


Vertiflex Superion treatment is a new, minimally invasive FDA-approved procedure used to treat a condition called lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), and it fills a gap in the continuum between conservative care and invasive spine surgery. As we age, LSS produces changes in the shape and size of the spinal canal, and the Superion device is designed to help keep your vertebra properly spaced. Superion is surgically implanted through a small tube the size of a dime, and the procedure carries with it limited risk of blood loss or tissue damage. It is a simple outpatient procedure, has a quick recovery time, and does not result in destabilization of the spine. 



In order for you to be eligible, a Vertiflex Superion specialist will have to gather medical information and imaging tests before recommending the procedure. It’s recommended to try more conservative methods first.


There are several circumstances in which one won’t be qualified to receive Vertiflex. You won’t qualify for the procedure if you’re allergic to titanium or titanium alloy, for example, and those suffering from obesity will not qualify for the Vertiflex treatment because the implant isn’t stable enough to support excess weight. If you have scoliosis, it is possible that Vertiflex may not be a viable option. This is the case if your Cobb angle (the degree of curvature of the spine) is greater than 10%, as your spinal anatomy could make the device unstable or your structural anatomy may not allow for placement of the implant.

If you’re currently experiencing any of the symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis and also have scoliosis, speak to your doctor about whether Vertiflex treatment is the right procedure for you.

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