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How to Manage Migraine-Related Nausea

People often focus on the pain that comes with a migraine. However, this malady can come with far more than a headache. It’s a neurological disorder that can trigger a wide range of debilitating symptoms, including nausea and vomiting.

Up to 50% of people who live with migraines also experience nausea. However, other estimates show these numbers are closer to 70%-90%

Our interventional pain management specialists at Glaser Pain Relief Center in Encino, California, have migraine solutions you can rely on. And they’ve got answers that can help with migraine-related nausea, too. 

The migraine-nausea connection

You likely expect a migraine to come with throbbing pain or visual disturbances. But nausea? Yes. In fact, this symptom is so common that it’s included in the diagnostic criteria for the condition. 

Migraine-related nausea can occur at any point of an attack; however, it’s most common during the warning stages — also known as the prodrome phase — which can start hours or days before the headache itself. Once the nausea sets in, it can vary from mild to severe.

Migraines themselves are a complex puzzle. However, experts have several theories about why they often cause nausea. Some believe it’s due to drops in serotonin during a migraine attack. This hormone plays an active role in your brain, and your gut contains numerous receptors for this hormone.

Other theories see links to blood vessels in the brain, neurotransmitters, and regions of the brain stem. Each of these factors may be different and seem to impact your brain alone, but they all have direct links to other parts of your body, including your gut.

Finding relief at home from migraine-related nausea

The exact cause of your digestive distress may not be known, but there are ways to find relief — and you can start at home. If you experience nausea or vomiting with your attacks, our team recommends trying to:

If you suffer from chronic migraines, especially with nausea, don’t wait to consult with an expert for personalized solutions.

Expert care for migraines

Because of their complex nature, migraines can be challenging to treat. Our team has the experience and skill you need to find a management strategy that eases all of your symptoms, including nausea.

Common treatments for migraines include:

We can also offer suggestions for over-the-counter or other prescription medications to manage your symptoms.

At the end of the day, you don’t have to suffer through migraine-related nausea. Let us help you find relief for all of your uncomfortable symptoms. Contact Glaser Pain Relief Center in California’s San Fernando Valley today.

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