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My Back Surgery Failed: Can You Help?

My Back Surgery Failed: Can You Help?

Did you know back pain causes more disability than any other condition worldwide? It’s so common that nearly 1 in 10 people experience lower back pain alone, so it’s no wonder they often turn to surgery for relief. Unfortunately, up to 40% of individuals still experience pain after their procedures, a problem referred to as failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS).

If you find yourself experiencing neck painback pain, or leg pain after undergoing back surgery, we can help. Our team at Glaser Pain Relief Center in Encino, California, offers the latest forms of treatment to address acute and chronic pain conditions, including FBSS.

Getting to the root of the problem

Back surgery can fail to resolve your pain for a variety of reasons, even if you had the best specialist in the field. And despite the fact that it’s referred to as “failed” back surgery, this term is a bit of a misnomer.

In most cases, failed back surgery syndrome occurs because your procedure may not have addressed the precise cause of your pain. While that may seem surprising, the complex nature of the spine can lead to issues that evade diagnosis or don’t respond to surgical structural repairs.

Common factors that can contribute to FBSS include:

Your chances of having FBSS also increase if you smoke or have systemic conditions like peripheral blood vessel (vascular) disease, autoimmune disease, and diabetes.

Whether you have the same pain or new pain following your back surgery, our team performs an extensive exam to identify the cause of your discomfort so we can recommend the most effective treatment strategy to address it.

Treating failed back surgery syndrome

There may not be a cure for FBSS, but there are numerous ways to ease your symptoms. Depending on what’s triggering your pain, we could suggest a variety of therapies or a combination of approaches.

Common treatments for failed back surgery syndrome include:

We also may recommend behavioral health or alternative therapies as part of your treatment plan. 

No matter which treatments we suggest, you can rest easy knowing we personalize them to you and your unique condition so you have the best chance at a pain-free life.

Did your back surgery fail to address your pain? We can help. Contact our team at Glaser Pain Relief Center to schedule a consultation by calling 424-0402-1240 today.

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