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The Effectiveness of PRP for Your Osteoarthritis

The Effectiveness of PRP for Your Osteoarthritis

People have heard of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, but many don’t realize this innovative treatment has been used in surgical procedures to promote cell regeneration since 1987. Growing evidence is bringing a wider understanding of the benefits this game-changing therapy can have outside the operating room.

At Glaser Pain Relief Centerour talented team brings the most reliable solutions available to people in the San Fernando Valley of Encino, California. If you have a pain condition like osteoarthritis, here’s how PRP could help.

About PRP

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is designed to promote healing in the body. It works on a cellular level by using vital healing agents found in your blood, specifically platelets. These powerful cells not only cause your blood to clot in response to an injury, but they contain growth factors that trigger your body to repair damage and disease.

During PRP therapy, we take a sample of your blood to create your therapeutic injection. The secret lies in concentrating the platelets in your blood sample by spinning it at high rates of speed in a centrifuge machine to separate the platelets from other blood components.

When injected directly into an area with disease, like an arthritic knee, this high volume of platelets jump-starts the healing process to aid in repairing the tissue on a cellular level.

Our team uses PRP to treat numerous pain conditions, from sports injuries to joint issues like arthritis.

Osteoarthritis and PRP

Millions of people around the world live with osteoarthritis, and it will affect nearly 50% of all Americans during their lifetime. This degenerative joint condition develops when the protective cartilage covering at the ends of your bones begins to deteriorate. As this cushion of tissue wears away, the bones of the affected joint start rubbing against each other, triggering inflammation, dysfunction, and pain.

PRP works to address these symptoms by triggering cell formation in deteriorating joints. Studies show that injecting PRP into joints with osteoarthritis provides numerous benefits, such as:

Plus, PRP therapy doesn’t require surgery and comes with few risks because we make your injection using your own blood.

What to expect from PRP therapy for osteoarthritis

PRP doesn’t provide immediate results. Instead, it stimulates your system to start making new, healthy cells, so it usually takes between 4-6 weeks to notice your symptoms improving. We may recommend a series of PRP treatments over a few months to achieve the best results.

In some cases, we use PRP in combination with other treatments, like physical therapy.

Are you curious to see if PRP therapy can help with your osteoarthritis? Contact Glaser Pain Relief Center to schedule a consultation with our talented team by calling 424-402-1240 or requesting a visit online today.

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